Monday, December 23, 2019

William Shakespeare s Julius Caesar And Richard II Essay

Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and Richard II are plays of tremendous interest for their political discourse. The commons play a lesser, but no less significant, role in this presentation of competing political and social ideologies. Shakespeare’s treatment of the commoners in both plays is thought provoking in both their similarities and differences. In Richard II they are gifted with intellect, empathy and resolve, while in Julius Caesar they are a fickle collective lacking independence and reasoning. Nevertheless, both representations are political entities. This paper will begin by evaluating the importance of commoners as a political force, and then go onto examine abuse of power as a stimulus, the role of nationalism and the different ways in which commoners are depicted in their intelligence, understanding and attitudes. The commons are regarded as a significant political force in both Julius Caesar and Richard II. This might be due in part to Shakespeare’s target audience (Doty 2010, 192). Julius Caesar stresses the importance of commoners in the realm of politics as a force to be controlled and manipulated. Gil (2007, 73) notes the plebeians political weight stops Caesar from accepting the crown. Further political power is indirectly suggested in the plebeians through the speeches of Brutus and Antony who both consider it important for the general population to be persuaded to their way of thinking (Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, 3.2). And, when Antony proves theShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar Essay1833 Words   |  8 Pages INTRODUCTION The seemingly straightforward simplicity of â€Å"Julius Caesar† has made it a perennial favourite for almost 400 years. Despite its simplicity, almost Roman in nature, the play is rich both dramatically and thematically, and every generation since Shakespeare’s time has been able to identify with some political aspect of the play. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Altruism-John F. Kennedy Free Essays

John F. Kennedy once said conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth. Which is true the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to what individuals perceive is normal to their society or social group makes them apart of the masses. We will write a custom essay sample on Altruism-John F. Kennedy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Which makes me think; of the many different ways people submit there self into that category. For example watching someone be sexually assaulted and stabbed to death outside of an apartment building but never calling the police to help or even attempting to help yourself. That’s what happen to Kitty Genovese and she had thirty-eight witnesses. Why was it that thirty-eight people stood there and watch her murder? Because they were too busy diffusing the responsibility for the simple fact that all these people are around someone must have called. As humans we do that a lot not help someone on the side of the road because they must have someone coming to help, never look at the screaming nose outside you don’t want to get involve, don’t help that person who’s being attack; diffusion of responsibility: Diffusing the responsibility of yourself being involved into a situation that might put you in danger. That seem reasonably but how about when you do something that doesn’t benefit you in anyway but you do it because it makes everyone else happy; this is altruism. Let say someone did go and help Kitty Genovese they could have been seriously injured but Kitty Genovese would have had her life. Altruism is any nice gesture you do for someone else at the expense of yourself it doesn’t mean you can’t satisfaction from your acts. In most cases of altruism you would enjoy it but the con of it is sometimes you can’t say â€Å"No† when you should be saying no. You’re doing what others want you to do when that’s not what’s in your heart to do. All I know is that more people should stand up for others because in any case you would want people to ignore you in your time of need. I can’t really say how to get help but if you’re in danger caught people’s attention, say something important, but most of all caught someone attention. One thing I must say be safe in this crazy world we call earth . How to cite Altruism-John F. Kennedy, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Evolution of a brand

Introduction Dove has established itself as the dominant player of the market from 2007 onwards. Dove has proved itself as different and strong brand of Unilever as it provides sales worth $2.5 bollion in a year. Dove initially was known as the cleansing brand and offers a wide range of products including face care, body washes, deodorant hair care, bar and anti-perspirants. The report is written on the basis of the case study named, Dove: The evolution of a brand. The report represents the situation analysis for the case study and also highlights the critical issues mentioned in the case study. The report analyses the critical issues which are related to the case study and after analysing the issues the report would provide a clear recommendations for the future issues (Deighton, 2008). Situation Analysis Dove was introduced first in the market of USA as a beauty bar which was launched in the year of 1957. While starting its journey in the USA market the brand positioned itself as the cleanser not as soap. In all its advertisements the brand claimed that woman should use Dove because it does not contain any harmful element of soap which makes the skin dry. Mainly, the functional attribute of the brand was being proposed by the brand by saying that one quarter of the entire bar is cleansing cream. Later, on the brand management of Dove realized that too make it big the company should not restrict itself by talking about the functional aspects of a brand. To make it big and sustainable the brand evaluated that it should be linked with the feminine aspects and thus to create a close association with woman the brand worldwide had introduced the campaign the real beauty. The objective of the brand is to create a unique proposition in the mind of the woman that beauty is an inner characteri stics and self-esteem is a major element to discover womans own beauty (Carter Steiner, 2004). Identification, Recognition and justification of the related critical issues The critical issues which are mentioned over the case study or are identified from the case study can be discussed in the form of SWOT analysis. Strength: The strength of the brand is the connection with the feminine aspects and the positioning strategy of the brand. Dove is different from others as it does not claim itself as a soap rather it is focused on the woman care aspects. The campaigns introduced by Dove has emphasised on evaluating the definition of real beauty. The campaigns throughput the world has forced everyone including the men to think about twice regarding the definition of beauty. Dove has not put much effort in pushing their products but it emphasises rather on creating self-esteem among the woman which indirectly enhances the brand image of the brand. Weakness: Dove is not able to create its footstep in the men segment which can be treated as one of its weakness. The expenses of the campaigns are too high and the criticisms of the campaigns can affect Dove negatively. Opportunity: In the changing social scenario, the demand for personal care products both in the men and in the women segment have been increased to a large extent and increasing the product line in the men segment can be another opportunity for Dove for expanding its market. The product line can also include the teenage woman customers (Deighton, 2008). Threat: The criticisms that rise due to the arrangement of the campaigns and the advertisements can harm the brand image of Dove. The beauty which has been demonstrated over different campaigns are not related with the standard idea of real beauty which exists in the market. Analysis of the major issues The missions of Dove through implementing various campaigns are to promote the concept of beauty. The major issue related to the beauty campaign is that beauty comes from various aspects with different types of sizes and shapes. The campaigns of Dove have proved that the advertisements and branding together can work in a better way for doing well. The campaigns of Dove are nothing but the opinions and insights of the consumers about beauty. The positioning of Dove initially was the cleaning cream and later on it added the moisturizing element in it. Dove has emphasised on the campaign because it is a well-known phenomenon that for building a brand it is important to depend on the opinion and insights of the customers. The customer-based brand equity model can be used to describe how Dove has successfully used the perception around the brand to develop the strong equity. The model comprises four different stage and those are Brand identity which refers to the question Who you are, Mea ning of the brand which asks what are you, response of the brand which refers the perception about the brand and Brand Resonance which refers to the association of the customers with the brand. From its introduction in the year of 1950, Dove has demonstrated its brand equity by saying that they are not the soaps category because, it does not harm the softness of the skin rather it claims that it is one kind of cleansing cream (Carter Steiner, 2004). Later on while explaining the meaning of the brand Dove has used the proposition moisturizing and expresses itself as the moisturizing creamy bar. Third one is the brand response which it gathers through the arrangement of the campaigns throughout the world. The real beauty campaign arranged by Dove is the most famous and discussed campaign for woman throughout the world. The campaigns result in a way that it is proved that Dove is the most preferable brand by the woman segment. Fourth one is the Brand Resonance which helps to understan d the connection among the brand and the consumers. The campaigns have discussed various aspects of the woman self-esteem. The self-esteem of the woman can help to grow the beauty among the woman. The real beauty campaign developed by Dove has made a new evolution by defining the beauty in a new dimension. The survey conducted by Dove has shown that only 2% woman of the world perceives themselves as beautiful but advertisements and campaigns arranged by Dove have delivered the slogan that Woman are more beautiful than that they think of. Without directly promoting the brand name or without pushing the products in front of the customers the company has simply send a message of social responsibility. Dove has sent the slogan that the beauty can be achieved by introducing self-esteem among the woman and the society should change its viewpoint about the beauty (Yang, 2010). Dove is different because it has introduced a different concept in advertise its product which is distinct from di rectly asking about the utilitarian results. Dove has incorporated the expressions of human values and creates a connection with others. The connection or the association which has been developed by Dove is very strong and capable enough to increase the brand loyalty of the woman. The woman who purchases the product of Dove feels the association as they also thinks in the same way like Dove that the society should change its point of view regarding beauty and the inner side and the self esteem of the woman should taken into while considering beauty (Manca and 1994). The above figure shows the Customer-based brand equity model of Dove. Recommendations and discussions of the future issues 450 Portraying the old aged and fat woman in the campaigns frequently can affect the brand image of the company as people can perceive it as a brand of fat. For, many of the critics the advertisements in the campaign have just represented the woman in underwear around their houses which has created a wrong impact in the mind of the consumers. The campaigns have focused on the feminine aspects to a large extent but the campaigns do not talk much about the products and branding of Dove (Deighton, 2008). Focusing more on the societal issues rather on the products and services of the company can dilute the future sales of the brand. Time to time a brand needs to refocus on its advertisement strategy and Dove is not different from it. The self-esteem idea should be separated from the products of Dove. If the consumers perceive that the authenticity of the campaigns are not confirmed then the entire campaign can be affected to a large extent. The real consumers should be involved for providing their insights especially for the product usage of the particular brand. The women segment should be connected with the different products so that, the sales of several product variants and categories can be improved to a large extent. The definition of beauty should be linked with Dove in different ways by asking the woman customers regarding how beautiful they are looking like after using the product of Dove(Deighton, 2008). The already established association with the brand and the customers can be used by introducing the product aspect of Dove. The future campaigns should focus on how the usage of the products of Dove can enhance the beauty of the woman. The feminine aspects which have been demonstrated through the campaigns have made the brand overpowered in nature as the control in the campaigns have been loosen by Dove and the campaigns are introducing unnecessary criticisms in the society. The strong feminine aspects also hamper the wish of Dove to grab the men personal car e market. The personal care market for the men segment has been increased to a large extent and Dove should not leave the opportunity to penetrate that market (Deighton, 2008). Conclusion Dove initially emphasised on the functional aspects of the product by saying that it is a cleansing cream which contains one fourth of the moisturizing. Later on, Dove shifted its positioning from the functional benefit attribute to feel good attribute. Dove established various campaigns which promoted the feel good factor not the functionality of the product. To prove the authenticity of the campaign Dove uses elderly and obese models for the purpose of conveying the message. Dove also uses the digital media for demonstrating the films in U-tube to show how the perception of beauty varies. The films have demonstrated that a woman always perceive herself less beautiful than actually she is. All these campaigns have promoted the self-esteem of the woman and the campaigns are able to create strong emotional bonding with the woman segment. This is how the brand establishes and creates its own footprint in the market (Deighton, 2008).

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Modern Day Communication

Introduction The traditional process of human communication has always involved a certain degree of direct personal interaction between individuals yet with the introduction of new technology preferred methods of communication have become more impersonal resulting in an increasingly isolationist society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Day Communication specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As technology improves methods of communication have steadily become more convenient wherein people are no longer limited in their ability contact one another but rather can choose from a plethora of choices. The creation of mobile phone technology has enabled people to be contacted at anywhere at anytime through either a direct phone conversation or a more discreet text message. Online methods of communication such as email, chat messengers or even online video conferencing services such as those on Skype have made it so th at global methods of communication have become far easier and affordable compared to the situation two decades ago where international communication was an arduous affair often involving significant delays, costs or even an inability to be contacted due to ones location. It was through the greater interconnectivity of countries through globalization that communication similarly became more globalized thus making it more convenient for the average user. Despite the current ease of use most people have with utilizing an assortment of methods of communication, as of late the most popular methods of communication such as texting, email and chat messengers have actually promoted a culture of isolation (Reid, 423 – 435). This is due to the fact that as these popular methods of communication become the norm so to does the level of social isolation of its users increase due the lack of direct face to face communication (Gordon, 60). As such, this brings up the question if it is possi ble to become more isolated due to the use of popular methods of communication despite the greater level of communicative interconnectivity that technology has brought about, and if so what are its negative consequences? Trend in Social Isolation Direct face to face interaction in order to communicate ideas and gain insight has been replaced with the convenience and rapidity brought about by the today’s popular methods of communication. With the loss of direct interaction comes a growing trend of isolation wherein people prefer being able to communicate with each other through short rapid fire messages rather than the long eloquent styles often seen in face to face interactions (Denial of Isolation, 10). As a result, emotional cues and responses usually evident in most direct conversations are absent resulting in more individuals becoming isolated both emotionally and socially from the world around them due to the lack of interaction (Cole and Cole, 40).Advertising Looki ng for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is due to these factors that there has been an increase in social awkwardness among young adults who have become so used to popular methods of communication that when placed in an instance of direct social interaction they tend to stumble around the conversation because of a certain lack of practice in direct communication. It is due to instances such as these that certain individuals have begun to prefer technologically based methods of communication since they are able to avoid problems related to their inability to properly communicate and socialize in public. This in turns continues to promote the trend of social isolation resulting in possible problems later on in life for individuals who experience this apparent â€Å"side-effect† of modern day communication. Understanding the Effects of Modern Methods of Communication In his book â€Å"The Shal lows†, Nicholas Carr presents readers with the notion that the traditional method of reading books, essays and various other written works are superior to what is offered today on the internet (Carr, 3). For Carr, the internet is a medium based on the concept of interruption where multitasking and rapid fire reading is the norm rather than curious oddities. Reading short articles, responding to emails and chatting at the same time has become so ubiquitous with internet usage that most people barely give it a second thought. On the other hand, as Carr explains, this has resulted in people losing the ability to enter into a slow, contemplative method of thinking normally associated with reading novels in print (Carr, 14). A crowding out effect can be seen where people find it harder to concentrate on lengthy articles, books or essays and a growing preference has developed for short rapid fire articles which can be browsed within a few minutes. It must be noted that with the deve lopment of the internet people have in effect become able to communicate their ideas to an audience through a massive scale. Blogs, internet article sites and various other online means of posting ideas have become so ubiquitous with modern day society that it is hard to imagine our current culture without the various articles we read on a daily basis which are a form of communication between a writer and reader in which the ideas they have regarding sports, politics and society in general are relayed to us on a daily basis. While the internet on any given day produces hundreds of thousands of pages of content, easily rivaling and surpassing the traditional publishing world in the amount of material produced however most of what is actually created is of poor literary quality, incomparable to what is written by professional writers and scholars.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Day Communication specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Such a case is similar to the observation made by novelist Harvey Swales in 1951 during the rise in popularity of the paperback novel in which he stated that it could be the start of either an increase in the value of produced material or the inundation of trashy literature into an already polluted ocean of books and novels. As such it can be said that the traditional method of communicating ideas through journals, books and various other forms of printed media have steadily been replaced in popularity through an apparent flood of literature that does not even reach the same literary heights. For Carr the perceived value of the internet is one of human deterioration where people lose the ability for solitary single minded concentration in favor of rapid fire multitasking due to the proliferation of articles that can be easily consumed and read (Carr, 8). Positive Effects in Communication It must be noted that Clay Shirky in his book â€Å"Cognitive Surplusâ⠂¬  states that the internet has provided people with a platform in which to collaborate, communicate, experiment and as a result create effective social change through various collaborative works (Shirky, 5 – 10). For Shirky it is this ability to interact and create rather than remain a static passive observer that makes the internet a positive force towards the buildup of social and cultural development. In the eyes of Shirky, the internet acts as an open platform for contribution where user driven content and collaboration drives social and cultural development (Shirky, 11). Collaborative efforts such as Wikipedia, Wiki’s and social networking sites such as blogs, twitter and online message boards all contribute to utilizing the aptly named cognitive surplus towards creating an ever increasing amount of user driven content that contributes towards societal development. While Shirky does indicate that not all content is productive such as the internet meme â€Å"lo lcats† the fact remains that people are actually doing something rather than remaining static that signals a progressive change towards dynamic social interaction (Ruberg 33). Online projects such as Wikipedia, Project Guttenburg, Ushahidi and various other online drivers of collaboration help to improve the accessibility of information and promotes drivers of interactivity resulting in greater amounts of user driven content.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As it was mentioned earlier, the indicator of progressive social and cultural change is dynamic contribution with the internet being the latest and best instrument to bring about such changes to human society (Drezner 31). The only problem facing the contributions made on the internet to act as triggers to create change in society is in their inherent value and the amount of control asserted on them. Social Networking, Communication and Change On the other hand developments such as Wikipedia, Google Books, Project Guttenberg and various review sites have enabled users to contribute to the wealth of knowledge that the internet is known for further expanding the ability of individual users to gain access to all forms of information whether it be statistical, opinionated, encyclopedic or even a mere review. Social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter and MySpace have helped to create collaborative online communities that can actually enact social change in the real world. The inf amous online group Anonymous is famous for setting up the February 2008 protests against the church of scientology wherein literally thousands of people around the world protested outside various scientology establishments and churches. The website Wikileaks has helped to encourage transparency in government operations and various other message boards have become spring boards for actually change in the way society has begun to operate on a global scale. Based on this it can be seen that true change is on the way for the internet, a true tool for societal collaboration to enact change on a global scale. Preserving the Levels of Integrity In light of the recent scandals involving corrupt public officials, self-serving politicians and criminal justice professionals who seem more in league with crime than justice what is needed is to create a set standard involving proper ethics and morality in order to preserve in the eyes of the public the necessary ethical standards people in such p ositions should have. One standard that should be maintained is adherence to properly doing ones job, in various recorded cases it has been seen that various public officials and criminal justice professionals have in fact been slacking off with their duties resulting in the public wondering why such officials are in their positions in the first place. While such actions are brought about by the tediousness of their jobs it must be noted that in such professions where the public is directly affected by ones actions slacking off is never an option due to the possible repercussions such actions may have on the general public good. Another necessary standard is the need to preserve the integrity of one’s position despite outside influences in the form of cash bribes or other forms of altering one’s decisions. A position in a public office entails that need to prioritize equality amongst the people rather than focus on a particular group due to a self-serving attitude. It is only when public officials start to serve their own causes rather than that of the people that problems in the system occur. Based on this it is important to maintain a certain degree of impartiality in order to maintain an effective public system that ensures all individuals are treated fairly and equally. On a relatively minor note, in such cases involving necessary standards for potential criminal justice professionals and public sector officials what is needed is to properly integrate standards in the production of literature or text in order to ensure its professionalism while at the same time using current practices in information dissemination in order to get the information to the general public. It must be noted that no matter how professional a document looks it is absolutely useless if the information within it is not seen by general public. For criminal justice professionals and public sector officials maintaining their professionalism in light of the recent trends in trashy online communication is important however what must be taken into consideration is properly informing the public about information garnered by their profession so that the public can be well educated and can make informed decisions. Works Cited Carr, Nicholas. What the Internet is Doing to our Brains The Shallows. New York: Norton Company, 2010. eBook. Cole, Larry, and Michael Cole. â€Å"Sensory isolation while being a prisoner of the information age.† Communication World 15.4 (1998): 40. Business Source  Premier. EBSCO. Web. â€Å"DENIAL OF ISOLATION.† Communications of the ACM 43.12 (2000): 10. Academic  Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. Drezner, Daniel W. â€Å"Weighing the Scales: The Internet’s Effect On State-Society Relations.† Brown Journal of World Affairs 16.2 (2010): 31-44. EBSCO. PDF. 08 May. 2011. Gordon, Michael. â€Å"High-tech loneliness: How our inventions keep us apart.† Futurist July 1990: 60. Academic Search Premier. EBS CO. Web. Reid, Donna J., and Fraser J.M. Reid. â€Å"Text or Talk? Social Anxiety, Loneliness, and Divergent Preferences for Cell Phone Use.† CyberPsychology Behavior 10.3 (2007): 424-435. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. Ruberg, Bonnie. â€Å"Cash In on the Internet Memes Phenomenon.† PC World 27.8 (2009): 33. EBSCO. PDF. 08 May. 2011. Shirky, Clay. Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age. New York: Penguin Press, 2010. eBook. This essay on Modern Day Communication was written and submitted by user Cailyn Cruz to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Concept and Importance of the Positive Thinking

Concept and Importance of the Positive Thinking Positive thinking refers to the act of directing one’s mind to constructive thoughts that deviate from negativity and that are characterized by hope and expectations for better things in life (Quilliam, 2008, p.21).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Concept and Importance of the Positive Thinking specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Its development involves constant practice and persistent efforts. Positive thinking is important in life because it helps manage and eradicate stress, gives more energy to carry out daily activities, improves relationships, creates peace of mind, fosters a healthy lifestyle and guarantees success (Farreer, 2004, p.18). In addition, it enhances personal happiness and fulfillment, gives hope of a better future and aids in time management and personal organization. Positive thinking is vital in management and eradication of stress in life. This comes from the habit of looking and handling things positively. It enables a person concentrate on things that create a better life and enables an individual let go of situations that are either wearisome and distressing (Peale, 2012, p.32). Stress comes from constant worry and frustration with life situations that do not serve a person’s purpose in life. Positive thinking leads to the realization that negative thinking creates more problems and complexities in life than are unnecessary. Positive thinkers are able to evaluate problems and come up with appropriate solutions while negative thinkers see problems and resign to fate because they consider them difficult and impossible to solve. Positivity keeps stress out of life and improves a person’s well being. Positive thinking improves relationships by making it easier to connect with other people. People hate negative thinkers because they focus their energies on the wrongs of life and rarely recognize the good present, which if acted upon, can improve life in a great way. Positive thinking helps build deeper and better relationships that are founded on trust, great understanding and support (Peale, 2003, p.54). In addition, this helps create a healthier lifestyle because being at peace with friends, family and society gives peace of mind that is important for a good life. It eradicates anxiety and fear because of the feeling of belonging and worth created by being at peace with every one (Peale, 2012, p.61). In addition, it creates a good mood that appeals and attracts others thus enhancing good relationships. Spending more time with positive people is important in creating better relationships. Good time management and organization is a direct result of positive thinking (Peiffer, 2002, p.77). The inward organization of thoughts reflects the outward organization of a person’s life. As such, if a person organizes his thoughts through positive thinking, then he is able to organize other aspects of life. This organization improves ef ficiency and leads to good time management. A positive thinker has no time to waste because all activities are planned based on time allocated for those specific activities. Good time management can be achieved through prioritizing and focusing on the most important things.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Life situations are complex and demanding. Therefore, energy is a requisite for effectiveness and high productivity. Positive thinking avails more energy to carry out life activities because it reduces fatigue that is caused by stress (Peiffer, 2002, p.84). Stress and negativity drain the energy needed for life accomplishments by bringing feelings of disinterest and boredom, fatigue and create bad moods. Finally, positive thinking guarantees success because an individual is able to prioritize and focus on important things (Sasson, 2012, p.66). In addition, peace of mind improv es concentration on tasks that determine success and well-being. References Farreer, G. (2004). A Gift of Positive Thinking. New York: Andrews McMeel Publishing. Peale, V. (2012).The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking. London: Ebury Publishing. Peale, V. (2003).The Power of Positive Thinking: 10 Traits for Maximum Results. New York: Simon and Schuster. Peiffer, V. (2002). Positive Thinking: Everything you have always known about  Positive Thinking but Were Afraid to Put into Practice. London: Thorsons. Quilliam, S. (2008). Positive thinking. New York: Dorling Kindersley.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Concept and Importance of the Positive Thinking specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sasson, R. (2012). Positive Thinking your Key to Success. Retrieved from

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Review Of The Battle Of Lz Albany History Essay

A Review Of The Battle Of Lz Albany History Essay The battle in review is LZ Albany. This battle took place during the Vietnam War under Operation Pleiku. LZ Albany was an ambush on American troops en route to landing zone Albany by NVA regulars. The battle took place on the afternoon of November 17, 1965. The fight involved the US Army 2nd battalion of the 7th Cavalry (2/7) and the NVA 8th battalion of the 66th Regiment. Although the end result of the battle is considered an American victory, the losses suffered were horrendous. It is safe to say this was a pyrrhic victory for the US, only due to the fact that they held the ground at Albany at the end of the battle. This did alter the amount of troops the NVA could attack LZ Columbus with as a side effect. The battle itself would teach many lessons to the US army in regards to the importance of security and the role support by fire played in this theatre of combat. The Vietnam War was a civil war in which the United States was actively involved in. The Northern faction of Vietnam adopted Communism, and thus gained Russia and China as allies. Vietnam until this point was a French territory which was in the process of being liberated by the North Vietnamese. They had defeated France and driven them from parts of the country. France and South Vietnam sought aid from the United States. In reply the United States rendered aid and advisors to South Vietnam. This was due to US foreign policy at the time and staunch opposition to Communism by the US government. If Vietnam fell to Communism it also posed a great economic threat to US interests in South Asia as well. By 1965 the US Armed Forces no longer played the role of advisors for the South Vietnamese in the Vietnam conflict. We were at the point of actively engaging the North Vietnamese in combat. (Stewart 386-320) Under Operation Pleiku, US Army divisions were first employed against the North Vietnamese. This is exactly what the North Vietnamese commander Gen. Nguyen Chi Tranh had desired. His main strategy enc ompassed liberating a vast majority of South Vietnam from southern control and inflicting mass casualties on US forces. The idea was that the American public would not support a war in which multitudes of American soldiers lost their lives. His intent was to shatter the American public’s support and thus drive another foreign imposer out of the country. This plan was titled the Dong Xuan Campaign. (Coleman.51) American forces had already been occupying the provincial capital of Pleiku. Frequent attacks and skirmishes by the NVA gave the impression that they were probing for the best possible place to attack to retake the city. This indicated to US commanders that there was a sizable force of enemy soldiers in the Northern plateaus that needed to be dealt with. A series of landing zones were reconnoitered for probable attack positions. The Army’s objective was simple: to destroy the enemy threat in the area and their will to fight. After securing LZ X-ray, it was the jo b of the 2/7 Cavalry to sweep the gap between LZ X-ray and LZ Columbus, which held US artillery. Their mission was also very simple: to sweep the area between LZ Columbus and LZ Albany, and engage whatever enemy they found.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Dangers of Genetically Altered Foods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dangers of Genetically Altered Foods - Essay Example However, the studies revealed that it was not the added lectin that was responsible for these side effects, but the engineering process itself. This is because a control group that was fed with potatoes containing the substance was not affected as they had not undergone the genetic modification processes (Pusztai, p.1). According to the researcher’s studies, food genetics should therefore not be altered for the purpose of making them disease-resistant or improving production to feed the hungry people since the process may bring adverse effects on humans. Regulation and testing of the process of modifying foods genetically has inefficiently been carried out in the past with interventions coming from various interested parties. For instance, in order to quell the public furor that was caused by the researcher’s studies, Philip James, a director at Rowett Institute, fired Pusztai because he had been influenced to take the action by a biotech firm located in the U.S. throug h a $224,000 grant they had received (Pusztai, p.2). In the U.S., their administration on food along with drugs has slowly drifted away from their regulation that food companies within the country should ensure the safety of their products before releasing them to the consumers. The foods are currently being introduced in a stealthy and quiet manner according to reports despite the public’s lack of comprehension concerning the risks that are posed by these foods. It is only due to the criticism that these foods have received across the nation and on the international arena that the American regulators are now thinking of creating new regulations to govern their manufacture (Pusztai, p.3). The production of genetically modified foods should not be advocated since they have many disadvantages that they come with. This is mainly because the engineering may bring imprecise technologies, different side

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Zora Neale Hurston Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Zora Neale Hurston - Article Example However, much of her work encountered criticism, as what endeavored to be ethnographic authenticity was construed as a perpetuation of black stereotypes made pliant for her white audiences. This combined with her controversial political affiliations in the 1940's led to a rejection of her work for some time. Rather than focus on a chronological review of her literary achievements, this paper will thematically consider portions of her corpus in terms of the various academic realms of analysis to which her work is now subject. Initially, some consideration will be given to the problematics of her presentation of "folk culture and folk language" and the degree those issues have traction in attempting to categorize the work of Hurston. Secondly, a de rigueur explication of how the issues of race and race relations were framed in her work will be given. Finally, the tropes of religion, religious imagery, and spirituality explicitly and implicitly play a significant role in her fiction and as such must be included in any literary analysis of her work. Though it is beyond the scope of this paper, one thematic element which operates consistently in her work is the role of women and her sensitivity to feminist concerns and issues of women's rights. Suffice it to say that many women in her novels and short stories play strong, consistent and even heroic roles and are often concern with other things than finding a husband or having children.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Intensive Family Based Services Essay Example for Free

Intensive Family Based Services Essay The study carried out by Raschick (1997) offered a keen input on how to create family preservation services and enhanced choice for families in opposition to out of home placements, stating that ‘the information proposed that IFBS (Intensive Family Based Services) services lessened average restrictiveness and extent of out-of-home placements. ’ Still, there are a number of researches that has very short-range, study-focused outcomes that has no long term assurance, picking out the direction that the three sides being argued in this paper is a part of the managing a cruel cycle which is neither stepladder arrangement nor cause and effect, only directed by conditions taking place on a case per case basis. While systematic Family Preservation Services (FPS) was associated vis-a-vis to the enrichment in substantiated reports relating to exploitation and out-of-home placements because of, as Littell imagines in Children and Youth Services Review, case-finding consequences given that FPS contact prioritized cases is considered as high-risk. , ‘the duration, extent, strength of family preservation services had small effect on succeeding youngster maltreatment, out-of-home placement, or the closing of cases’ (Littell, 1997). Extending the scope – is there more to out of home placements and its being used in juvenile delinquency reduction? Juvenile delinquency, as a problem, presents several courses of action which can be explored to combat juvenile delinquency, and two of the several options are sitting at both ends of the social order pole: family preservation efforts and out of home placements. It has a very tyrannical tone in it, as if the government is saying that ‘if you cannot stick together, we will pull you apart. ’ Some do not have a clear cut, black and white clarification on how to keep citizens from stepping within the gray part. Some claim ‘that family preservation agendas bring about substantial decline in the placement of children are based fundamentally on non-experimental studies’ (Littell, Schuerman, 1995), and this is just one of the many cynical or / and critical voices speaking out and representing the greater part of the social behavior discipline that needs a more clear cut answer on where each foot stands in the issue that has continued to threaten homes when it is not inquiring its reliability and firmness to stay together and work competently, contributing optimistically to the the community without the imposition of state- sanctioned procedures. Littell and Schuerman (1995) upped the stake with their disagreement, adding up the learning that ‘there is little solid attestation that programs planned at preventing out-of-home placements or reunifying families with the youth in foster care have the predictable outcomes. ’ Indeed, one of the pressing concerns that should be answered if there are hopes in being able to define what constitutes success and failure in out of home placement programs, juvenile delinquency programs and family preservation programs and how these three agendas are linked with each other (if not, then by designing allowing each to step on another’s foot on purpose) it should depend on the identification of the exact parameters that will dictate success or failure of any program, and the intended affects of each program should be clear to anyone and everyone involved so that the formulation of what was achieved should be in line with what the programs are designed to accomplish in the first place. â€Å"These conclusions do not inevitably mean that thorough family preservation services are weakening, but that researchers and practitioners must recognize that the purpose of services is to assist families attain basic goals and skills needed to keep a child at home, not to attempt to make major changes in family performance† (Wells, Whittington,1993). The trouble may also be intensified by the fact that actions taken by persons who are openly involved in the categorization of out of home placement, family preservation indicators and juvenile delinquency disregard the stipulated characteristics of each of the three areas of discussion and generating more gray and puzzling areas since there are no alternatives provided for or by researchers on how to enumerate or evaluate disparities from conventional behavioral patterns that makes the classification more complicated, success or failure of any of the three. This was the position of Wells and Whittington (1993) who stated that children who are not formally subjected to relationship or non-kinship out of home placements yet still travel from house to house disqualifies it as being measured as family preservation, noting how researchers, as a substitute, give importance on the constancy of a childs living arrangement; ‘if a child moves from home to home, but avoids placement, the researchers argue that this does not constitute family preservation’ (Wells, Whittington,1993) and adding that ‘out-of-home placement is an inadequate indicator of how well children and their families are functioning after discharge, because child placement may be a result of a large number of factors, like the child or familys mental health’ (Wells, Whittington,1993). Still, some study shows some positive signs from any one of the three interlinked areas. The study using the Emergency Family Care Program in Northern California to address the out of home placement problems of truly high-risk families yielded a result of ‘eighty-eight percent placement prevention rate found after one year (1985) of treatment’ (Berry, 1994). III. Quantitative and qualitative approaches – how each differ in impact in previous studies and in this paper’s objectives Different studies pertaining to out of home placements and juvenile delinquency cases take different routes, and while research designs, both quantitative and qualitative are unquestionably both generally accepted approach in which data is taken out from the focus groups and, it should also be put in proper perspective that both qualitative and quantitative study styles undoubtedly yield important when used in studying juvenile delinquency and out of home placement and other juvenile delinquency alternative solutions simply because either of the two can provide either a means by which crucial statistical information can be obtained or first hand individual sentiments are determined, sentiments, feelings or emotions that can represent a prevailing emotion residing in the realms of the issue this paper wishes to address. There are researches that provided quantitative output which can be key references in understanding the intricacies of the study focus. A very good example is the identification of Potocky and McDonald of the figures pertinent in determining which among the families with regards to number of children have a higher rate of sending the kids to foster care, pointing out that those with an average of 4. 8 children have higher chances of sending the children to foster care while those with an average 2. 6 children have a greater chance of staying together.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A womans choice :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The abortion debate in America has been framed by something known as â€Å"A Women’s Right To Choose!† But of just what does the Women’s Right To Choose consist of ? It is premised, we are told, on a â€Å"right to privacy.† But exactly what is included in that right to privacy, and what excluded? I hold my own opinion to this subject as being Pro-Choice (Pro-Choice is defined as having the ability to choose).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Opponents of choice have been using inflammatory rhetoric about â€Å"infanticide† and â€Å"partial-birth† abortion in a nationwide strategy to further their goal of eroding women’s reproductive options. However, bans on abortion procedures are unconstitutional in at least three ways. First, the definition of what methods of abortion would be banned is vague and overboard – it would ban a variety of safe and common abortion procedures, not just the unsafe procedures. Second, by banning a variety of safe abortion procedures, the bans impose an undue burden on women seeking access to abortions by forcing them to rely upon less safe medical options, or even non-medical options. Finally, these bans are unconstitutional because they do not allow a women to obtain a banned procedure when it would preserve her health. The Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v.s. Wade is often misrepresented by those who oppose safe, legal abortion. It is o ften portrayed as giving women the right to terminate their pregnancy for any reason through all nine months of pregnancy. But contrary to the arguments of many abortion opponents, Roe does not provide for â€Å"abortion on demand.† The court held that a woman has the right to choose abortion until fetal viability – the time at which it first becomes realistically possible for a fetus to live outside the woman’s body – but that the states interest outweighs the woman’s right after that point. So what happened to our â€Å"right to privacy†?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Except in the story of the Emperor’s New Cloths, I cannot think of a more startling example of mass refusal to see the obvious than is presented by the current attitudes toward the population problem on the one hand and abortion on the other. The government continues to maintain strict antiabortion laws on the books of at least four fifths of our states, denying freedom of choice to women and physicians and compelling the â€Å"unwilling to bear the unwanted.† Yet as Dr. Christopher Tietze and Sarah Lewit point out in the Scientific American (January 1969), â€Å"Abortion is still the most widespread method of fertility control in the modern world.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Discuss and/or compare the role of women in society in`Trifles`and `Death of salesman`

An American woman’s life in the early 1900s when one-act play â€Å"Trifles† was written by Susan Glaspell was a whole lot different than what it is today. During that time, women were expected to stay at home while their husbands go to work and earn a living for their families, a noble task which society deemed fit for men in as much as cleaning house, hanging clothes, cooking food, washing dishes, and taking care of children were noble tasks meant for women. Women were educated, but the education or semblance of which merely served as a superficial credential to make them more attractive potential mates.Society was undoubtedly patriarchal, with wives’ submission to heir respective husbands’ taken both as the norm and the biblical good. (Mitchell 23) It was during this time that Glaspell wrote the play about a murder and that crime’s subsequent solution through a series of trifles. Even at the start of her play, Glaspell showed the disparity of soc ial class between men and women. One example is the scene at the start of the play where the three male main characters enter the warm farmhouse first before the two women do despite the fact that it was freezing cold outside.This signifies the priority that men assert of their needs over the needs of their women. It also signifies a sense of women being beholden to their men, the wives did not complain about the shabby treatment of their husbands of them in the scene, they considered it quite normal to wait until your husband enters a house before you yourself can do so. Another was one of the male characters constant mockeries of female concerns. That character, Mr. Hale, trivialized the many details of the tasks that women in that era were responsible for by using the words â€Å"women are used to worrying about trifles†. By trifles, Mr.Hale meant the small, seemingly nonessential details that his wife and all other wives as can be concluded from his disposition are always fussing over. He complains that his and Mr. Peters’ wives worries about unkempt state, pots, bread, and other kitchen items scattered about, about Mrs. Wright’s preserves being frozen and cracked are of no significance to the problem at hand, which was the murder of Mr. Wright. Here we see that not only were women being expected to be obedient, to stay at home and do the chores, but they were being ridiculed by men for being careful and mindful of the very things that husbands expect their wives to do.Mr. Hale never takes into consideration that it is his wife’s worries over the things that he considers as â€Å"Triffles† that lets him go home to a warm meal and a clean bed every single day, that gives him fresh, neatly ironed clothes every morning and not to mention a home cooked lunch. This mockery and ignorance show how little of a value society at that time actually placed on the tasks of a woman that it has expected of her. Another important detail that could be observed in the play was how women were indeed smarter than men gave them credit for.The wives of the two main characters eventually solve the mystery of the murder where their husbands failed. The women do so through investigating the very same â€Å"trifles† that the men ridicule them for. Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale found the quilting that Mrs. Wright was working on, and takes note that the sudden change in the quality of the stitching may connote that something had happened that upset Mrs. Wright. They found a broken bird cage and wondered if there was a bird, and then finally they found a small box upon looking for sewing supplies to take back to Mrs. Wright.The small box contained a bird with its neck wrung. The women put the clues together and decide not to tell their respective husbands, this last part somewhat connoting their preference to deny their husbands solid proof regarding the murder of Mr. Wright to which Mrs. Wright stood accused. The play portr ayed the men as blind to the clues that the women were able to find, this stressed the inequality between men and women even more, showing that although women could be just as smart as or even smarter than their male counterparts, their roles in society were still below those of their husbands’.The final aspect of the play that is connected with women at that time was the portrayal of Mrs. Wright. From the discussions among the other characters it was apparent that Mrs. Wright lived a stressful existence under the rule of her husband. Her husband was described as a difficult man, and the character of Mrs. Wright was implied to have endured years of abuse because of it. This last portrayal concretizes the marginalization of women during those times.It leaves to the viewers to connect the irony of how a woman who had  been subjected to years of degradation from a man who supposedly vowed to love and cherish her is in danger of suffering one last injustice, to be held intrial for the murder of the very man who had drained the life out of her. Decades later since the first showing of â€Å"Trifles† in 1916, Arthur Miler wrote what would be later known as a classic of American Theater. â€Å"Death Of A Salesman† which was first shown in 1949 was not primarily about women, but about how one man’s delusion and desperation caused the degradation of his family and his dignity.However, this man’s wife who was the main female character in the play showed very vivid portrayals of whether the concept of woman had evolved. Linda’s characterization in the play fares women no better than the women characters in â€Å"Triffles†. Linda Loman from â€Å"Death Of A Salesman† was yet another disheartened housewife who still kept fulfilling the usual tasks due to an American housewife. She is loving, caring, understanding and ever obedient to her husband, Willy Loman who never fails to tell her to â€Å"shut up† whene ver she puts a word out of line.Linda’s insights and intelligence are a lot more that Willy is characterized as having, but her unfaltering devotion towards him prevented her from using her wits to save her family because she knew that such an act would rob her husband of the glory that in that era made men, men. The scenes that involve private conversations with her sons showed Linda’s brilliance and common sense, a common sense that diminishes in scenes of Linda speaking with her husband wherein she plays stupid with her responses usually limited to â€Å"Yes Dear. † or â€Å"what, Dear? †. In conclusion, we say that both plays had feminist ideals embedded in them.Both plays portrayed the injustice being done to women and how these women of the past coped with such injustice. The time between the releases of these two plays connotes the period when these literature were written as struggling times for women. These years marked the birthing of a generati on of women who would finally wise up and begin to take their rightful place in society as men’s equals. The plays were evidence that some women already knew what was happening, and that these women were eager to spread the word of female liberalism which would later be known as feminism.These plays exposed that the treatment of women as housebound cleaners, babysitters, and cooks while at the same time failing to give proper recognition for these tasks and the women who did them was unacceptable. (Mitchell 85) The play showcased a woman’s abilities and strengths despite living in a man’s world. It showed that a woman can and will exceed a man if she chooses to. It scolds the women who have not yet awakened by portraying characters that resemble them. The battered and abused who are the Mrs. Wrights, and the smart, loving and caring yet neglected, unappreciated and frustrated Linda Lohans.These women represent those who cannot fight back, or those who think that what is being done to them is proper. These characters call out to those women and show them how pathetic they’ve become in an attempt to jolt them out of it and make them take a stand. American women have come a long way since these two pieces of literature; they have made countless others and are continuing to make them to date. They have gained much ground in their battle for rights and would do all that they can to push ever harder, reach ever higher, and make it ever clearer that no man has a right to make any woman feel that she is below him.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Computers and Education Essay

Nowadays, it is generally believed that computers are essential for our modern education. They are indispensable studying tool that makes it easier for many people to learn subjects from mathematics to language skills. However, there are some aspects of a good education that cannot be taught using computers. Computers play a significant role in all fields of modern society. They are widely used by banks for account management and by stores for keeping records of sales and inventory. Computers are also necessary for interpreting data from a patient’s history and determining diagnosis. Moreover, computers make an important contribution to the education. They are widely used by school and university students and by students who study at home. Computers may be very helpful for learning most subjects. Some of those subjects are mathematics, languages, information technology that cannot be taught without computer, and so on. Computers are capable of storing and combining information in a way that makes is very simple to access and use. Computers simplify students studying by providing them with easy typing software, many useful exercises. In addition, they can make it easier for teachers to assess the students and mark their work. However, there are some features that cannot be taught by using computers. For example, it seems obvious that the subject like singing would be virtually impossible to learn without teacher’s involvement. Furthermore, while computers can be used by students for learning languages, they cannot provide them with an adequate feedback on their pronunciation or writing skills. Learning such subjects like chemistry and physics would be extremely difficult or sometimes even dangerous without teacher’s supervision while having done various experiments. In conclusion, it is important to point out that computers can be beneficial  for educational purposes and they can help students with learning most of the subjects. Despite this in some cases, it is also necessary to engage teacher to make the education more effective and complete. Teacher would also be helpful for pupils as he or she could answer their questions, provide them with a wide range of examples and give them more exercises on particular matters students have difficulties with.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Hiroshima By John Hersy

Hiroshima Throughout everyone’s lifetime they see society face a tragedy whether they were prepared for it or not. This tragedy can teach people a lesson, teach them to be helpful, and even change their perspective on life. In John Hersey’s Hiroshima many Japanese citizens are effected by something that happened in a matter of seconds, the dropping of the first atomic bomb. In the beginning of August citizens of Hiroshima grew tired of countless air raid warnings and began to ignore them. Though on August 6th 1945, American troops dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. No one understood what had happened and how it left such a terrible outcome. Many surviving doctors decided that even though they were wounded they would help the more needy in the time of a crisis. The doctors began to pick up badly wounded patients and bring them all to one area and take care of them. They were also able to provide them with food and water in the time of need. Over a hundred thousand helpless citizens died instantly from the dropping of the bomb. John Hersey’s novel Hiroshima talks about six survivors’ stories of the dropping of the atomic and how they dealt with it. One might consider these people lucky for surviving the attack, but they became faced with many problems, physically and mentally. Many began showing symptoms of diseases while others even began to convince themselves that it was their fate to suffer. On the day of the bombing, August 6th 1945 these people carried on with their daily routine. It was 8:15AM when the bomb was dropped. A clerk in the department of the East Asia Tin Works, Miss Toshinki Sasaki was having a conversation with her colleague when the bomb was dropped. The impact of the bomb had trapped her unconscious underneath bookcases, the ceiling, and the roof. The weight of everything on top of her twisted her left leg and broke it. Miss Sasaki had laid under books, wood, and plaster f... Free Essays on Hiroshima By John Hersy Free Essays on Hiroshima By John Hersy Hiroshima Throughout everyone’s lifetime they see society face a tragedy whether they were prepared for it or not. This tragedy can teach people a lesson, teach them to be helpful, and even change their perspective on life. In John Hersey’s Hiroshima many Japanese citizens are effected by something that happened in a matter of seconds, the dropping of the first atomic bomb. In the beginning of August citizens of Hiroshima grew tired of countless air raid warnings and began to ignore them. Though on August 6th 1945, American troops dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. No one understood what had happened and how it left such a terrible outcome. Many surviving doctors decided that even though they were wounded they would help the more needy in the time of a crisis. The doctors began to pick up badly wounded patients and bring them all to one area and take care of them. They were also able to provide them with food and water in the time of need. Over a hundred thousand helpless citizens died instantly from the dropping of the bomb. John Hersey’s novel Hiroshima talks about six survivors’ stories of the dropping of the atomic and how they dealt with it. One might consider these people lucky for surviving the attack, but they became faced with many problems, physically and mentally. Many began showing symptoms of diseases while others even began to convince themselves that it was their fate to suffer. On the day of the bombing, August 6th 1945 these people carried on with their daily routine. It was 8:15AM when the bomb was dropped. A clerk in the department of the East Asia Tin Works, Miss Toshinki Sasaki was having a conversation with her colleague when the bomb was dropped. The impact of the bomb had trapped her unconscious underneath bookcases, the ceiling, and the roof. The weight of everything on top of her twisted her left leg and broke it. Miss Sasaki had laid under books, wood, and plaster f...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Women's rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Women's rights - Essay Example American Slavery. American women."( Fuller, 123). The previous year has seen movement in the Rhode Island council, to secure wedded ladies rights over their own particular property, where men demonstrated that a next to no examination of the subject could show them. To a great extent acknowledged, composed by a lady, instigated, it is said, by glaring wrong to a recognized companion, having indicated the imperfections in the existing laws, and the state of estimation from which they spring; and a reply from the loved old man, J. Q. Adams, in a few regards the Phocion of his time, to a location made him by a few women. These indications of the times have gone under perspective inadvertently: one who looks for, may, every month or week, gather more. The various gatherings, whose slants are now marked and balanced an excessive amount to their brain to concede to any new light, strive, by addresses on some model lady of spouse like magnificence and tenderness, by composing and loaning little arrangements, expected to check out with exactness the breaking points of Womans circle, and Womans mission, to anticipate other than the legitimate shepherd from climbing the divider, or the group from utilizing any opportunity to wander off. A high apex, or in any event a cathedral spire, might be attractive. It may well be an abolitionism party that argues for Woman, on the off chance that we think about only that she doesnt hold property on equivalent terms with men; so that, if a spouse bites the dust without making a will, the wife, as opposed to taking immediately his spot as leader of the family, inherits just a piece of his fortune, regularly brought him independent from anyone else, as though she were a tyke, or ward just, not an equivalent accomplice. The degenerate and unmoving men live upon the profit of enterprising wives; or if the wives abandon them, and bring with them the youngsters, to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Social Welfare Dependence of Single Mothers Research Paper

Social Welfare Dependence of Single Mothers - Research Paper Example The support is provided with the proviso that it may well be reduced and/or withdrawn any time when the condition of the recipient improves. Subsequent to the relief support provided to people in distress, 'make work', a New Deal concept created during the 1930s or later on redefined as 'workfare' were initiated so that the temporarily affected would feel that they earned their relief support rather than receiving it as a hand out (Prabhakar 1). Workfare is also a concept used in relation to welfare reform. It is a mechanism of imposing work requirements on recipients of public assistance. Despite several problems workfare encountered in the past, a number of states use it now as a means of shifting welfare dependent persons into the formal wage work with the proviso that sometime in the future those who, it is claimed, did not have work experiences, would be acquainted with the world of work, and would somehow hook themselves to jobs and eventually become self-sufficient. Single mot her parents, the recipients of public and other institutional assistance, are people, who for various reasons, including the death of or abandonment, separation or unmarried status, become household heads and take care of their children and other members of the family in place of the traditional breadwinner - the husband. The number of poor people in single mother household heads rose from some two million in the 1950s and 1960s to 11.4 million in 2010 (Seccombe 23; Open City Foundations, 1). Although single mothers were provided with welfare checks and other basic need supplies from the state on a relief basis, many were not able to achieve self-sufficiency. Alternative approaches that would capacitate single mothers need to be explored. Policy Issues and Poverty Urban poverty as it relates to single mothers has been a serious problem that had defied meaningful solution in the U.S.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Providing Treatment to Patients with Chronic Lower Back Pain Assignment

Providing Treatment to Patients with Chronic Lower Back Pain - Assignment Example Following CASP allows the researcher to evaluate if the research question illustrated is elaborated and clear enough or not. After evaluating the research question presented at the beginning of the research paper, it was identified that the research question entailed the generalized view of research aim. Careful analysis of research question indicated that the research would require the collection of data from different sources and rigorous data handling techniques for identifying emerging themes. However, it did not include the impact of patients’ profile and related physiotherapists responses on patient’s behaviour. However, the research aim appeared to display physiotherapists’ behaviour as an independent factor with no effect of other variables such as their own ethnic and social backgrounds on it. The research question usually investigates the importance of the research, earlier work in the same field and need for further exploration. Considering this criter ion, overall research does answer the given questions, however, its relevance to acute diseases and patients’ reactions is difficult to determine. The research question also fails to define how this research fills in the gap left between previous studies and desired level of information available (Haber and Lobiondo-Wood, 2008). On the other hand, there is a significant literary evidence present that defines how believing in what patient says affects the practice of a healthcare professional, the research question needed to define how patients’ input avoids making physiotherapists act like a novice but makes them prone to error caused by informative noise (Clarke and Iphofene, 2005; Jenson et al., 1994). Qualitative research can be defined as "any kind of research that produces findings not arrived at by means of statistical procedures or other means of  quantification" (Strauss and Corbin, 1990). In scenarios where data collection involves personal histories and exp lanation of experiences and beliefs, in-depth interviews are more appropriate than any other qualitative method.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Dissertation topic and proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Topic and proposal - Dissertation Example The highly accepted classification of SMEs in UK and EU attributes to â€Å"the number of employees or annual turnover, with small enterprises constituting of less than 50 employees and medium size enterprise at more than 50 and less than 249 employees† (BIS Department for Business and Innovation Skills, pp. 1-7, 2010). The nature of ownership in SMEs is either the individual entrepreneur or the family investments, which later on is inducted by directors on behalf of the majority shareholders. The SMEs sector in UK has jumped to an enormous boom in the last couple of years by increasing the net to 400,000 firms every year and even the micro businesses or self-employment has contributed a significant turnover for over ? 200 billion to the economy even in the severe economic turmoil of recession on inflation (Amble, pp. 20-29, 2004). The small and medium sized business has emerged as a powerful source in contributing to net revenue of the economy by intervening for almost 13 % i n financial and business intermediation, such as real estate and business operations. In addition, by contribution in 12% to agricultural and fishing business, wholesales and retails at 21% indicating to largest contribution to the private sector turnover (BIS Department for Business and Innovation Skills, pp. 1-6, 2010). The role of SMEs enterprises has played a significant part in the economic and social growth followed by the industrialization, income, and employment generation to the economy (OECD Conference for SMEs, pp. 1-3, 2004). Research Aim: The important element of enterprises is to induct the easy or smooth availability of the capital for their start up or growing business. The imperfect capital market and the economic turmoil have created barriers for insufficient external funding to the SMEs that has forced the government intervention in equity and debt market to provide funds and loans to their ventures (Graham, pp. 56-64, 2004). The main aim of the dissertation of th e proposal is to ‘Highlight and analyze the significance of the financing intervention within the small and medium sized enterprises and their attributes’. It also aims to analyze the following in order to bridge the gap between the finance providers and the small business. 1. Close analyses of the SMEs and their access to external finance. 2. The financial growth and government intervention in SMEs 3. The needs and supply capabilities between SMEs and financial intermediaries. Research Objectives: The objective of the dissertation includes the detail literature review and problems faced by SMEs deployment of financial funds. The purpose of this research is to recognize the factors influencing the financial decision making of SMEs and any other alternative option for funds. The study will also focus on critical factors discussed as below (Competition Commission, pp. 1-3, 2002): 1. Identify the policies and regulations for the provision of funds by the bank 2. Identify t he various sources of finance available to the SMEs and their significance. 3. Identify and deployment of options which are used to improve the burden of cost and accountability of revenue and profits for SMEs. Research Questions: Following are the questions that highlight the main reasons for the research dissertation: 1. What are the factors that are affecting the SMEs financial market and access

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Annabel Lee, Edgar Allen Poe

Annabel Lee, Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poes poem â€Å"Annabel Lee† represents the death of Annabel Lee. The poem describes the underlying love the speaker has for Annabel Lee, which began many years ago in an unnamed kingdom by the sea. In his poem, Poe makes use of a lot of poetic devices to enhance the readers understanding of his deep affection for his beloved Annabel Lee, thus making it the best poem in the world.   In this poem, the rhyming structure plays a big role. Poes main purpose for using rhythm/rhyme is to introduce a new method of expressing the speakers grief. The name Annabel Lee is an important part of the rhyming scheme throughout the poem. Poe further enhances the rhythm of the poem with alliteration in â€Å"[b]ut we loved with a love that was more than love (Poe), which emphasizes to the reader, the strong relationship between the two lovers. There is a rhyming link in â€Å"chilling† and â€Å"killing† (lines 25 and 26) which exaggerates the horror of Annabel Lees death. The poems rhyme scheme begins with an ababcb pattern but as the poem moves along, it gets more complicated, ending with the pattern lbmbnnbb in the last stanza. As the lines increase in length and number in the last stanza, its dramatic pitch also intensifies. His grievance for Annabel Lee also escalates, thus depicting Poes unconditional love for her. The final stanza has an internal rhyming sch eme, which mimics the rhythm of the waves ultimately serving as Annabel Lees sepulchre, and the speakers mental condition. The rhythm of the poem is mostly written in iambic and anapestic feet, alternating between tetrameter and trimeter. However, the word â€Å"chilling† in lines fifteen and twenty-five is used to disturb the rhythm and startle the reader by highlighting the death of the speakers loved one. Thus, Edgar Allan Poes use of rhythm is very important in understanding the essence of the speakers love for Annabel Lee. Even though â€Å"Annabel Lee† is not exactly a ballad, Poe referred to it as one because it utilizes repetition of words and phrases purposely to create a mournful effect. Edgar Allen Poe uses assonance several times in the poem by repeating the â€Å"e† sound. In the first stanza, Line 2,4 and 6 ends with sea, Lee, and me respectively. The other five stanzas also contain the repeated sound of the long â€Å"e.† Another example of assonance is from Stanza 6 â€Å"[a]nd so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side/Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Poe). Furthermore, Poe also heavily relies on alliteration, for instance â€Å"it was stronger by far than the love/Of those who were older than we- /Of many far wiser than we-.(Poe). All of these sound devices help to create more pleasing sound patterns. Line 21 uses alliteration in repeating the â€Å"h† sound suggesting the blowing of wind. Between the fifth and sixth stanzas, â€Å"Of the beautiful Annabel Lee† is repeated thrice to draw the readers attention to this line. Light and dark Throughout his poem, the use of light and dark imagery helps the reader to grasp the strong feelings of loss he continues to experience long after her passing. Invoking a dreamlike atmosphere when talking about â€Å"a kingdom by the sea† (Poe) Poe implies that the fictional kingdom is a bright land of enchantment where the speaker and Annabel Lee fell in love as children. By addressing Annabel Lee as a maiden rather than a woman, he draws images of purity and innocence to the readers mind. Dark imagery is shown in stanza two, when the winged seraphs of heaven, who are supposed to be bringers of God‘s light, become envious of the relationship between him and Annabel Lee. The wind blowing out of a â€Å"cloud† instead of just the sky infuses a sense of premonition in the dark envy of the angels. The cloud, in this case, shuts out Heaven‘s light and without light, the lovers become victims of forces beyond their control. He mourns that when she died a part of him died with her. Yet, the speaker remains in the realm of light, for he believes that his soul and Annabel Lees are one. â€Å"For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams /And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes† (Poe). By associating the occurrence of moonbeams with dreams and the radiance of Annabel Lee‘s eyes with star light, Poe emphasizes that even in darkness, light will prevail. The moon beams and stars also function as a tomb for Annabel Lee, shining down on him from the sepulchre of the night sky. Thus, it is apparent that the use of imagery is extremely important in bringing solace to the grieving lover. Therefore, Edgar Allen Poe has successfully conveyed to the readers his emotions about his loss through the form and style of the poem and the use of sound devices, and imagery, accordingly making it the best poem in the world. Written in a fairytale type story, Poe expresses his deep love for Annabel Lee, hence showcasing the main theme of the poem. Regardless of how old they are, the speaker feels that he can provide everything she needs because in his eyes, love is the most important characteristic. Annabel Lee remains popular as a timeless grief for the fate that comes between lovers.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lewis Carrolls Alices Adventures in Wonderland Essay -- Lewis Carrol

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Introduction There are several reasons why I have chosen the book â€Å"Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland† as the topic for my term paper. The main reason is that I have been fascinated by Alice’s adventures as a series on TV since I was about six years old. I was curious about the overworked rabbit, racked by brain about how Alice would only be able to reach the golden key on the table and I got even more nervous when I saw the Queen than the Knaves of Hearts did. What I did not understand then was that Alice has fallen asleep in the beginning and all she is experiencing is â€Å"only† a dream. However, my illusion has been destroyed when I first read the book at the age of about 12 and I must admit it was then when I lost some of my fascination for Alice. As I read the book again as a preparation for the Proseminar a few months ago I soon started to focus on a certain aspect which I could not let go of and which brought back my fascination for Alice’s Adventures. It is also the reason I have chosen this topic for my term paper: I am very much interested in the circumstances of the time, in this case the Victorian Age, and the various influences on a person like Lewis Carroll in connection with his ability to create such a powerful, imaginative and attractive idea of a wonderland. I would like to know what kind of person can make up such a story? I have chosen the title â€Å"Inventing Wonderland†, which is the name of a book by Jackie Wullschlà ¤ger, because it precisely expresses the focus of my term paper. I think the reason why I am interested in this aspect is the following: About three years ago I stayed one year as an Au Pair for a family in Rhode Island. It took me a while to discover how to attract the attention of a 4-year-old, his name was Carter, when the situation required it to be calm. But: I placed young Carter as an additional friend of his favourite character Winnie the Pooh in the centre of a new Pooh-plot and tried to invent an exciting story with dangerous adventures as he sat on my lap listening more carefully than he had ever done before. I was successful, but of course and without understatement my stories were not in the least as fanciful and imaginative as Carroll’s, not to mention were they worth publishing. And it was exactly this situation, Carter sitting on my lap, that I ... ... As I have already claimed above, I think it is important get at least some idea of the â€Å"Zeitgeist†, in which a book was written, in order to understand its significance. From my point of view, being interested in the background factors of an author’s life and era not only helps to get a better understanding of the meaning of a book, but it also makes me appreciate it more. I think everyone acts and speaks according to what he or she is influenced by. If this is determining for the value a book is another question, but I think it is important that it is up to everyone if he or she would like to know more about the author. 7. Bibliography Blake, Kathleen. Play, Games, and Sport. The Literary works of Lewis Carroll. London: Cornell University Press. 1974. Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1984. . 25/01/05 Schwab, Gabriele. The Mirror and the Killer-Queen. Otherness in Literary Language. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996. Wullschlà ¤ger, Jackie. Inventing Wonderland. The Lives of Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear, J.M. Barrie, Kenneth Grahame and A.A. Milne. Rev.ed. London: Methuen, 2001. Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Essay -- Lewis Carrol Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Introduction There are several reasons why I have chosen the book â€Å"Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland† as the topic for my term paper. The main reason is that I have been fascinated by Alice’s adventures as a series on TV since I was about six years old. I was curious about the overworked rabbit, racked by brain about how Alice would only be able to reach the golden key on the table and I got even more nervous when I saw the Queen than the Knaves of Hearts did. What I did not understand then was that Alice has fallen asleep in the beginning and all she is experiencing is â€Å"only† a dream. However, my illusion has been destroyed when I first read the book at the age of about 12 and I must admit it was then when I lost some of my fascination for Alice. As I read the book again as a preparation for the Proseminar a few months ago I soon started to focus on a certain aspect which I could not let go of and which brought back my fascination for Alice’s Adventures. It is also the reason I have chosen this topic for my term paper: I am very much interested in the circumstances of the time, in this case the Victorian Age, and the various influences on a person like Lewis Carroll in connection with his ability to create such a powerful, imaginative and attractive idea of a wonderland. I would like to know what kind of person can make up such a story? I have chosen the title â€Å"Inventing Wonderland†, which is the name of a book by Jackie Wullschlà ¤ger, because it precisely expresses the focus of my term paper. I think the reason why I am interested in this aspect is the following: About three years ago I stayed one year as an Au Pair for a family in Rhode Island. It took me a while to discover how to attract the attention of a 4-year-old, his name was Carter, when the situation required it to be calm. But: I placed young Carter as an additional friend of his favourite character Winnie the Pooh in the centre of a new Pooh-plot and tried to invent an exciting story with dangerous adventures as he sat on my lap listening more carefully than he had ever done before. I was successful, but of course and without understatement my stories were not in the least as fanciful and imaginative as Carroll’s, not to mention were they worth publishing. And it was exactly this situation, Carter sitting on my lap, that I ... ... As I have already claimed above, I think it is important get at least some idea of the â€Å"Zeitgeist†, in which a book was written, in order to understand its significance. From my point of view, being interested in the background factors of an author’s life and era not only helps to get a better understanding of the meaning of a book, but it also makes me appreciate it more. I think everyone acts and speaks according to what he or she is influenced by. If this is determining for the value a book is another question, but I think it is important that it is up to everyone if he or she would like to know more about the author. 7. Bibliography Blake, Kathleen. Play, Games, and Sport. The Literary works of Lewis Carroll. London: Cornell University Press. 1974. Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1984. . 25/01/05 Schwab, Gabriele. The Mirror and the Killer-Queen. Otherness in Literary Language. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996. Wullschlà ¤ger, Jackie. Inventing Wonderland. The Lives of Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear, J.M. Barrie, Kenneth Grahame and A.A. Milne. Rev.ed. London: Methuen, 2001.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Research Assignment: Praising Students

Research Assignment: Praising Students I chose to do my research activity on the article titled Caution: Praise Can Be Dangerous by Carol S. Dweck. The main goal that Dweck wanted to achieve was to prove that praising your students on their intelligence can in fact affect their academic achievement in a bad way. 85 percent of parents thought they needed to praise their children’s intelligence in order to assure that they were smart (Dweck 4). It was thought that if you boost a student’s self esteem that it would help them academically, but in certain ways, this was wrong.The problems that the article dealt with were that if praise wasn’t handled properly, then â€Å"it can become a negative force, or a drug that rather than strengthening students, it makes them passive and dependent on the opinion of others† (Dweck, 4). If you use praise correctly, then it will help the students realize the value of effort, and become fulfilled with the accomplishments tha t they achieved on their own and want to succeed more. They also will have a better time dealing with any setbacks.The theory that was said to be true about praising students was that: â€Å"Giving students many opportunities to experience success and then praising them for their success will indicate to them that they are intelligent if they feel good about their intelligence they will achieve. They will love learning and be confident and successful learners† (Dweck 4). Educators had this theory wrong because research shows that giving students easy tasks and praising their success just says to the students that in a way you think their unintelligent.In order to prove this theory wrong, Dwecks along with Melissa Kamins and Claudia Miller held an experiment. This experiment was conducted of six different studies with more than 400 fifth graders. The goal was to study the effects of praising children for being intelligent. Among the 400 fifth graders, they included people of d ifferent ethnicities, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and were tested from all different parts of the country. This prevented any faults or biased opinions to be conducted in the experiment.They also made sure that some students were taken from schools in the city and some in more rural areas. This is something that you would want to do in any experiment given in order to get a variety of different subjects. First they began working with students one at a time on a more challenging puzzle task that was easy enough for them to all do well on it. They praised one third of the children for their intelligence, saying that they were â€Å"very smart† for knowing how to do that and telling that they got a certain amount correct and that they were amazed by it.The second group of people were tested and were told that they got a good score and praised on their effort of the task. The last third of the group was praised on their performance, with no comment on why they were succ essful. After the experiment, all students were happy about the outcome and were eager to do their take-home practice problems and were confident on their future performances. During the second part of the experiment, the same students were asked if they wanted to try a more challenging task from which they could learn a lot (but might not succeed) or an easier one where they would do well and look smart.Students praised on intelligence said they wanted to do the easier one, and 90% of the students that were praised on effort wanted to do the more challenging task. (The ones tested on performance were 50/50, so she wasn’t going to focus on them. ) When it came time to actually do the harder task, the students tested on intelligence didn’t like it and weren’t interested in doing the take home problems. They even started questioning their intelligence thinking they were dumb. The effort tested students liked the task and some even like the harder problems better t han the easier ones!This is where we start seeing the differences in the right and wrong types of praising. When we praise children for intelligence , were teaching them that this is what they want to achieve. They want to look and feel smart, so don’t risk making a mistake. When we praise them on effort and hard work, they realize the value of what they’re doing to succeed and get to realize their improvement and efforts, therefore having a better long-term successful academic achievement. For the last part of the experiment, they had the students go back and re-do the first task that they had did before.The intelligence students had an even worse performance and did worse than the first time, and the effort students performed the best and better than they did in the first place. After this, they were to write a litter to a student in another school telling them about the tasks that they had to do and how they tried them. The intelligence students actually lied about their scores to make them seem smarter, and the effort students didn’t exaggerate at all on their performance.This just says that failure becomes more of a problem when we praise students on intelligence, and they think that intelligence is something that you either don’t or do have instead of being a skill or knowledge. Our students should know that there are tasks and problems that they aren’t going to know how to do and that it shouldn’t discourage them, but make them want to learn more about it because they’re trying so hard and doing a great job of learning. This experiment was applied to education very well by the author herself.She states that you can’t just forget about the students feelings because what we say to them will affect how they think that we view them. We can praise our students as much as we want, BUT we need to do it when they learn or do well, and NOT praise them on how smart they are because it stops the students from setting the bar any higher. Dweck wants us to â€Å"rave about their effort and ask questions that show intelligent appreciation† (8). This would be a proper way to praise the students because you can still remind them that they are intelligent, but in a way that they are doing the right thing effort wise and giving it their all.You can’t waste your student’s time by giving them tasks that are too easy that make them look good, but need to test their ability and give them more challenging responsibilities. Dwecks even tested these theories on students going into junior high from elementary school and going into college from high school. She found that the students who believed that intelligence was fixed and that a poor grade or performance meant that they were dumb, and some wanted to consider cheating if they didn’t do well.These students did even worse grade wise than they did in elementary school and didn’t grow intellectually. However, studen ts who believed that intellect can be developed, and that a bad performance was because of lack of their effort and they needed to study more. These students were in the right mind set to allow the new school environment to encourage them to do well in school. All in all, student’s ideas and levels of intelligence can be influenced by the messages that they receive from teachers and parents.We need to encourage and praise them on their efforts, not their intelligence. We can allow them to feel smart in different ways instead of just telling them, â€Å"Wow! You got this many right, you must be really smart, good job! † This will make them want to get this reaction so they keep their achievement and difficulty level low so they can seem smart. This will keep them on the road to disappointment academically. Keep your students on task and striving for new goals and wanting to learn. Like Dwecks says, â€Å"Believing is Achieving! †