Thursday, October 31, 2019

Providing Treatment to Patients with Chronic Lower Back Pain Assignment

Providing Treatment to Patients with Chronic Lower Back Pain - Assignment Example Following CASP allows the researcher to evaluate if the research question illustrated is elaborated and clear enough or not. After evaluating the research question presented at the beginning of the research paper, it was identified that the research question entailed the generalized view of research aim. Careful analysis of research question indicated that the research would require the collection of data from different sources and rigorous data handling techniques for identifying emerging themes. However, it did not include the impact of patients’ profile and related physiotherapists responses on patient’s behaviour. However, the research aim appeared to display physiotherapists’ behaviour as an independent factor with no effect of other variables such as their own ethnic and social backgrounds on it. The research question usually investigates the importance of the research, earlier work in the same field and need for further exploration. Considering this criter ion, overall research does answer the given questions, however, its relevance to acute diseases and patients’ reactions is difficult to determine. The research question also fails to define how this research fills in the gap left between previous studies and desired level of information available (Haber and Lobiondo-Wood, 2008). On the other hand, there is a significant literary evidence present that defines how believing in what patient says affects the practice of a healthcare professional, the research question needed to define how patients’ input avoids making physiotherapists act like a novice but makes them prone to error caused by informative noise (Clarke and Iphofene, 2005; Jenson et al., 1994). Qualitative research can be defined as "any kind of research that produces findings not arrived at by means of statistical procedures or other means of  quantification" (Strauss and Corbin, 1990). In scenarios where data collection involves personal histories and exp lanation of experiences and beliefs, in-depth interviews are more appropriate than any other qualitative method.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Dissertation topic and proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Topic and proposal - Dissertation Example The highly accepted classification of SMEs in UK and EU attributes to â€Å"the number of employees or annual turnover, with small enterprises constituting of less than 50 employees and medium size enterprise at more than 50 and less than 249 employees† (BIS Department for Business and Innovation Skills, pp. 1-7, 2010). The nature of ownership in SMEs is either the individual entrepreneur or the family investments, which later on is inducted by directors on behalf of the majority shareholders. The SMEs sector in UK has jumped to an enormous boom in the last couple of years by increasing the net to 400,000 firms every year and even the micro businesses or self-employment has contributed a significant turnover for over ? 200 billion to the economy even in the severe economic turmoil of recession on inflation (Amble, pp. 20-29, 2004). The small and medium sized business has emerged as a powerful source in contributing to net revenue of the economy by intervening for almost 13 % i n financial and business intermediation, such as real estate and business operations. In addition, by contribution in 12% to agricultural and fishing business, wholesales and retails at 21% indicating to largest contribution to the private sector turnover (BIS Department for Business and Innovation Skills, pp. 1-6, 2010). The role of SMEs enterprises has played a significant part in the economic and social growth followed by the industrialization, income, and employment generation to the economy (OECD Conference for SMEs, pp. 1-3, 2004). Research Aim: The important element of enterprises is to induct the easy or smooth availability of the capital for their start up or growing business. The imperfect capital market and the economic turmoil have created barriers for insufficient external funding to the SMEs that has forced the government intervention in equity and debt market to provide funds and loans to their ventures (Graham, pp. 56-64, 2004). The main aim of the dissertation of th e proposal is to ‘Highlight and analyze the significance of the financing intervention within the small and medium sized enterprises and their attributes’. It also aims to analyze the following in order to bridge the gap between the finance providers and the small business. 1. Close analyses of the SMEs and their access to external finance. 2. The financial growth and government intervention in SMEs 3. The needs and supply capabilities between SMEs and financial intermediaries. Research Objectives: The objective of the dissertation includes the detail literature review and problems faced by SMEs deployment of financial funds. The purpose of this research is to recognize the factors influencing the financial decision making of SMEs and any other alternative option for funds. The study will also focus on critical factors discussed as below (Competition Commission, pp. 1-3, 2002): 1. Identify the policies and regulations for the provision of funds by the bank 2. Identify t he various sources of finance available to the SMEs and their significance. 3. Identify and deployment of options which are used to improve the burden of cost and accountability of revenue and profits for SMEs. Research Questions: Following are the questions that highlight the main reasons for the research dissertation: 1. What are the factors that are affecting the SMEs financial market and access

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Annabel Lee, Edgar Allen Poe

Annabel Lee, Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poes poem â€Å"Annabel Lee† represents the death of Annabel Lee. The poem describes the underlying love the speaker has for Annabel Lee, which began many years ago in an unnamed kingdom by the sea. In his poem, Poe makes use of a lot of poetic devices to enhance the readers understanding of his deep affection for his beloved Annabel Lee, thus making it the best poem in the world.   In this poem, the rhyming structure plays a big role. Poes main purpose for using rhythm/rhyme is to introduce a new method of expressing the speakers grief. The name Annabel Lee is an important part of the rhyming scheme throughout the poem. Poe further enhances the rhythm of the poem with alliteration in â€Å"[b]ut we loved with a love that was more than love (Poe), which emphasizes to the reader, the strong relationship between the two lovers. There is a rhyming link in â€Å"chilling† and â€Å"killing† (lines 25 and 26) which exaggerates the horror of Annabel Lees death. The poems rhyme scheme begins with an ababcb pattern but as the poem moves along, it gets more complicated, ending with the pattern lbmbnnbb in the last stanza. As the lines increase in length and number in the last stanza, its dramatic pitch also intensifies. His grievance for Annabel Lee also escalates, thus depicting Poes unconditional love for her. The final stanza has an internal rhyming sch eme, which mimics the rhythm of the waves ultimately serving as Annabel Lees sepulchre, and the speakers mental condition. The rhythm of the poem is mostly written in iambic and anapestic feet, alternating between tetrameter and trimeter. However, the word â€Å"chilling† in lines fifteen and twenty-five is used to disturb the rhythm and startle the reader by highlighting the death of the speakers loved one. Thus, Edgar Allan Poes use of rhythm is very important in understanding the essence of the speakers love for Annabel Lee. Even though â€Å"Annabel Lee† is not exactly a ballad, Poe referred to it as one because it utilizes repetition of words and phrases purposely to create a mournful effect. Edgar Allen Poe uses assonance several times in the poem by repeating the â€Å"e† sound. In the first stanza, Line 2,4 and 6 ends with sea, Lee, and me respectively. The other five stanzas also contain the repeated sound of the long â€Å"e.† Another example of assonance is from Stanza 6 â€Å"[a]nd so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side/Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Poe). Furthermore, Poe also heavily relies on alliteration, for instance â€Å"it was stronger by far than the love/Of those who were older than we- /Of many far wiser than we-.(Poe). All of these sound devices help to create more pleasing sound patterns. Line 21 uses alliteration in repeating the â€Å"h† sound suggesting the blowing of wind. Between the fifth and sixth stanzas, â€Å"Of the beautiful Annabel Lee† is repeated thrice to draw the readers attention to this line. Light and dark Throughout his poem, the use of light and dark imagery helps the reader to grasp the strong feelings of loss he continues to experience long after her passing. Invoking a dreamlike atmosphere when talking about â€Å"a kingdom by the sea† (Poe) Poe implies that the fictional kingdom is a bright land of enchantment where the speaker and Annabel Lee fell in love as children. By addressing Annabel Lee as a maiden rather than a woman, he draws images of purity and innocence to the readers mind. Dark imagery is shown in stanza two, when the winged seraphs of heaven, who are supposed to be bringers of God‘s light, become envious of the relationship between him and Annabel Lee. The wind blowing out of a â€Å"cloud† instead of just the sky infuses a sense of premonition in the dark envy of the angels. The cloud, in this case, shuts out Heaven‘s light and without light, the lovers become victims of forces beyond their control. He mourns that when she died a part of him died with her. Yet, the speaker remains in the realm of light, for he believes that his soul and Annabel Lees are one. â€Å"For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams /And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes† (Poe). By associating the occurrence of moonbeams with dreams and the radiance of Annabel Lee‘s eyes with star light, Poe emphasizes that even in darkness, light will prevail. The moon beams and stars also function as a tomb for Annabel Lee, shining down on him from the sepulchre of the night sky. Thus, it is apparent that the use of imagery is extremely important in bringing solace to the grieving lover. Therefore, Edgar Allen Poe has successfully conveyed to the readers his emotions about his loss through the form and style of the poem and the use of sound devices, and imagery, accordingly making it the best poem in the world. Written in a fairytale type story, Poe expresses his deep love for Annabel Lee, hence showcasing the main theme of the poem. Regardless of how old they are, the speaker feels that he can provide everything she needs because in his eyes, love is the most important characteristic. Annabel Lee remains popular as a timeless grief for the fate that comes between lovers.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lewis Carrolls Alices Adventures in Wonderland Essay -- Lewis Carrol

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Introduction There are several reasons why I have chosen the book â€Å"Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland† as the topic for my term paper. The main reason is that I have been fascinated by Alice’s adventures as a series on TV since I was about six years old. I was curious about the overworked rabbit, racked by brain about how Alice would only be able to reach the golden key on the table and I got even more nervous when I saw the Queen than the Knaves of Hearts did. What I did not understand then was that Alice has fallen asleep in the beginning and all she is experiencing is â€Å"only† a dream. However, my illusion has been destroyed when I first read the book at the age of about 12 and I must admit it was then when I lost some of my fascination for Alice. As I read the book again as a preparation for the Proseminar a few months ago I soon started to focus on a certain aspect which I could not let go of and which brought back my fascination for Alice’s Adventures. It is also the reason I have chosen this topic for my term paper: I am very much interested in the circumstances of the time, in this case the Victorian Age, and the various influences on a person like Lewis Carroll in connection with his ability to create such a powerful, imaginative and attractive idea of a wonderland. I would like to know what kind of person can make up such a story? I have chosen the title â€Å"Inventing Wonderland†, which is the name of a book by Jackie Wullschlà ¤ger, because it precisely expresses the focus of my term paper. I think the reason why I am interested in this aspect is the following: About three years ago I stayed one year as an Au Pair for a family in Rhode Island. It took me a while to discover how to attract the attention of a 4-year-old, his name was Carter, when the situation required it to be calm. But: I placed young Carter as an additional friend of his favourite character Winnie the Pooh in the centre of a new Pooh-plot and tried to invent an exciting story with dangerous adventures as he sat on my lap listening more carefully than he had ever done before. I was successful, but of course and without understatement my stories were not in the least as fanciful and imaginative as Carroll’s, not to mention were they worth publishing. And it was exactly this situation, Carter sitting on my lap, that I ... ... As I have already claimed above, I think it is important get at least some idea of the â€Å"Zeitgeist†, in which a book was written, in order to understand its significance. From my point of view, being interested in the background factors of an author’s life and era not only helps to get a better understanding of the meaning of a book, but it also makes me appreciate it more. I think everyone acts and speaks according to what he or she is influenced by. If this is determining for the value a book is another question, but I think it is important that it is up to everyone if he or she would like to know more about the author. 7. Bibliography Blake, Kathleen. Play, Games, and Sport. The Literary works of Lewis Carroll. London: Cornell University Press. 1974. Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1984. . 25/01/05 Schwab, Gabriele. The Mirror and the Killer-Queen. Otherness in Literary Language. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996. Wullschlà ¤ger, Jackie. Inventing Wonderland. The Lives of Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear, J.M. Barrie, Kenneth Grahame and A.A. Milne. Rev.ed. London: Methuen, 2001. Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Essay -- Lewis Carrol Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Introduction There are several reasons why I have chosen the book â€Å"Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland† as the topic for my term paper. The main reason is that I have been fascinated by Alice’s adventures as a series on TV since I was about six years old. I was curious about the overworked rabbit, racked by brain about how Alice would only be able to reach the golden key on the table and I got even more nervous when I saw the Queen than the Knaves of Hearts did. What I did not understand then was that Alice has fallen asleep in the beginning and all she is experiencing is â€Å"only† a dream. However, my illusion has been destroyed when I first read the book at the age of about 12 and I must admit it was then when I lost some of my fascination for Alice. As I read the book again as a preparation for the Proseminar a few months ago I soon started to focus on a certain aspect which I could not let go of and which brought back my fascination for Alice’s Adventures. It is also the reason I have chosen this topic for my term paper: I am very much interested in the circumstances of the time, in this case the Victorian Age, and the various influences on a person like Lewis Carroll in connection with his ability to create such a powerful, imaginative and attractive idea of a wonderland. I would like to know what kind of person can make up such a story? I have chosen the title â€Å"Inventing Wonderland†, which is the name of a book by Jackie Wullschlà ¤ger, because it precisely expresses the focus of my term paper. I think the reason why I am interested in this aspect is the following: About three years ago I stayed one year as an Au Pair for a family in Rhode Island. It took me a while to discover how to attract the attention of a 4-year-old, his name was Carter, when the situation required it to be calm. But: I placed young Carter as an additional friend of his favourite character Winnie the Pooh in the centre of a new Pooh-plot and tried to invent an exciting story with dangerous adventures as he sat on my lap listening more carefully than he had ever done before. I was successful, but of course and without understatement my stories were not in the least as fanciful and imaginative as Carroll’s, not to mention were they worth publishing. And it was exactly this situation, Carter sitting on my lap, that I ... ... As I have already claimed above, I think it is important get at least some idea of the â€Å"Zeitgeist†, in which a book was written, in order to understand its significance. From my point of view, being interested in the background factors of an author’s life and era not only helps to get a better understanding of the meaning of a book, but it also makes me appreciate it more. I think everyone acts and speaks according to what he or she is influenced by. If this is determining for the value a book is another question, but I think it is important that it is up to everyone if he or she would like to know more about the author. 7. Bibliography Blake, Kathleen. Play, Games, and Sport. The Literary works of Lewis Carroll. London: Cornell University Press. 1974. Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1984. . 25/01/05 Schwab, Gabriele. The Mirror and the Killer-Queen. Otherness in Literary Language. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996. Wullschlà ¤ger, Jackie. Inventing Wonderland. The Lives of Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear, J.M. Barrie, Kenneth Grahame and A.A. Milne. Rev.ed. London: Methuen, 2001.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Research Assignment: Praising Students

Research Assignment: Praising Students I chose to do my research activity on the article titled Caution: Praise Can Be Dangerous by Carol S. Dweck. The main goal that Dweck wanted to achieve was to prove that praising your students on their intelligence can in fact affect their academic achievement in a bad way. 85 percent of parents thought they needed to praise their children’s intelligence in order to assure that they were smart (Dweck 4). It was thought that if you boost a student’s self esteem that it would help them academically, but in certain ways, this was wrong.The problems that the article dealt with were that if praise wasn’t handled properly, then â€Å"it can become a negative force, or a drug that rather than strengthening students, it makes them passive and dependent on the opinion of others† (Dweck, 4). If you use praise correctly, then it will help the students realize the value of effort, and become fulfilled with the accomplishments tha t they achieved on their own and want to succeed more. They also will have a better time dealing with any setbacks.The theory that was said to be true about praising students was that: â€Å"Giving students many opportunities to experience success and then praising them for their success will indicate to them that they are intelligent if they feel good about their intelligence they will achieve. They will love learning and be confident and successful learners† (Dweck 4). Educators had this theory wrong because research shows that giving students easy tasks and praising their success just says to the students that in a way you think their unintelligent.In order to prove this theory wrong, Dwecks along with Melissa Kamins and Claudia Miller held an experiment. This experiment was conducted of six different studies with more than 400 fifth graders. The goal was to study the effects of praising children for being intelligent. Among the 400 fifth graders, they included people of d ifferent ethnicities, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and were tested from all different parts of the country. This prevented any faults or biased opinions to be conducted in the experiment.They also made sure that some students were taken from schools in the city and some in more rural areas. This is something that you would want to do in any experiment given in order to get a variety of different subjects. First they began working with students one at a time on a more challenging puzzle task that was easy enough for them to all do well on it. They praised one third of the children for their intelligence, saying that they were â€Å"very smart† for knowing how to do that and telling that they got a certain amount correct and that they were amazed by it.The second group of people were tested and were told that they got a good score and praised on their effort of the task. The last third of the group was praised on their performance, with no comment on why they were succ essful. After the experiment, all students were happy about the outcome and were eager to do their take-home practice problems and were confident on their future performances. During the second part of the experiment, the same students were asked if they wanted to try a more challenging task from which they could learn a lot (but might not succeed) or an easier one where they would do well and look smart.Students praised on intelligence said they wanted to do the easier one, and 90% of the students that were praised on effort wanted to do the more challenging task. (The ones tested on performance were 50/50, so she wasn’t going to focus on them. ) When it came time to actually do the harder task, the students tested on intelligence didn’t like it and weren’t interested in doing the take home problems. They even started questioning their intelligence thinking they were dumb. The effort tested students liked the task and some even like the harder problems better t han the easier ones!This is where we start seeing the differences in the right and wrong types of praising. When we praise children for intelligence , were teaching them that this is what they want to achieve. They want to look and feel smart, so don’t risk making a mistake. When we praise them on effort and hard work, they realize the value of what they’re doing to succeed and get to realize their improvement and efforts, therefore having a better long-term successful academic achievement. For the last part of the experiment, they had the students go back and re-do the first task that they had did before.The intelligence students had an even worse performance and did worse than the first time, and the effort students performed the best and better than they did in the first place. After this, they were to write a litter to a student in another school telling them about the tasks that they had to do and how they tried them. The intelligence students actually lied about their scores to make them seem smarter, and the effort students didn’t exaggerate at all on their performance.This just says that failure becomes more of a problem when we praise students on intelligence, and they think that intelligence is something that you either don’t or do have instead of being a skill or knowledge. Our students should know that there are tasks and problems that they aren’t going to know how to do and that it shouldn’t discourage them, but make them want to learn more about it because they’re trying so hard and doing a great job of learning. This experiment was applied to education very well by the author herself.She states that you can’t just forget about the students feelings because what we say to them will affect how they think that we view them. We can praise our students as much as we want, BUT we need to do it when they learn or do well, and NOT praise them on how smart they are because it stops the students from setting the bar any higher. Dweck wants us to â€Å"rave about their effort and ask questions that show intelligent appreciation† (8). This would be a proper way to praise the students because you can still remind them that they are intelligent, but in a way that they are doing the right thing effort wise and giving it their all.You can’t waste your student’s time by giving them tasks that are too easy that make them look good, but need to test their ability and give them more challenging responsibilities. Dwecks even tested these theories on students going into junior high from elementary school and going into college from high school. She found that the students who believed that intelligence was fixed and that a poor grade or performance meant that they were dumb, and some wanted to consider cheating if they didn’t do well.These students did even worse grade wise than they did in elementary school and didn’t grow intellectually. However, studen ts who believed that intellect can be developed, and that a bad performance was because of lack of their effort and they needed to study more. These students were in the right mind set to allow the new school environment to encourage them to do well in school. All in all, student’s ideas and levels of intelligence can be influenced by the messages that they receive from teachers and parents.We need to encourage and praise them on their efforts, not their intelligence. We can allow them to feel smart in different ways instead of just telling them, â€Å"Wow! You got this many right, you must be really smart, good job! † This will make them want to get this reaction so they keep their achievement and difficulty level low so they can seem smart. This will keep them on the road to disappointment academically. Keep your students on task and striving for new goals and wanting to learn. Like Dwecks says, â€Å"Believing is Achieving! †

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

America in Comparison to Other Countries

If more grammar classes ere added during high school, our country could be on the right path to catching up with the education in other countries. Every day, kids are exposed to poor grammar. Many songs, television shows, movies, and magazines use incorrect grammar. Songs often include phrases instead of complete thoughts, and some songs even contain words that don't exist. If that is all that students see and hear, they won't be able to make a distinction between the correct and incorrect way to speak.Text messaging has also caused kids to have poor writing skills. Testing causes kids to write by using fragments, Incorrect spelling, and poor punctuation. Americans don't take the time to write correctly because they are so worried about getting things done quickly. U. S. Citizens don't want to be bothered with making sure their punctuation Is correct or their comma Is In the right place. Students need repeated, dally practice to get away from the high-speed lifestyle they are used to , in order to be able to utilize grammar in the right way.Focusing more on grammar during English classes will reinforce proper grammar, and eliminate the issues that text messaging and new technology bring. As a country, understanding grammar can impact our lives. We need grammar to succeed in everyday life. When applying to a college or a Job, grammar is extremely important. College essays are a major part in being accepted in college, and making a good first impression. Once in college, English classes focus a lot on grammar In essays and research papers.Students would quickly fall behind If they were not familiar with basic grammar skills. Also, going to Job interviews requires you to use proper grammar. To be hired, the employee needs to speak well so that the boss knows the company will be well represented. Future Job applicants could end up being unemployed, simply because they weren't grammatically educated to speak urine an interview or a board meeting. America would be low ering its standards if the education system decided to eliminate grammar from the curriculum.This basically gives permission for U. S. Citizens to be unmotivated and lazy. Colleges would have to lower their admittance standards, since SAT scores, ACT scores, and college essay scores would all be lower. This would put us even further behind other countries and their educational progress. The United States would regress from an already low educational level. We would fall so far behind other countries, and never be able to catch up. If grammar continues to be pushed to the side over the years, it will eventually be eliminated.Grammar may not seem Important, but It can change our lives. Speaking properly helps us In college, Jobs, and even social events. Focusing more on grammar In English curriculums Is a small change could make a difference for our country. It may not put us at the highest ranking for education, but s certainly a start we need to prove to toner countries Tanat we are not quilters, and we certainly will not lower our standards. If anything, we should try to higher our standards so that we will not be so inferior to other countries.