Sunday, May 24, 2020

Argumentative Essay on Effects of Technology Topics

Argumentative Essay on Effects of Technology TopicsHaving an argumentative essay on effects of technology can be a challenge, especially if the topic is not one you are familiar with. Technology is everywhere in our everyday lives and it seems like this subject is almost too big to discuss. To help you out here are some of the most commonly used arguments that you can use in your essay.Impact Of Technology - Have you ever seen an airplane? How long does it take to refuel? If you are travelling by plane now you have probably noticed the amount of time it takes to get your drink refilled in the airfares. What impact does this have on our society and our well being as a society?From The Thesis - What technological devices do you like best? It can be computers, television, or other gadgets. Why do you like them? This question can be taken up a bit more in depth by examining what is really good about these gadgets. How does the technology that you enjoy affect the society in which you liv e?Portability - Is the quality of your life affected by our transportation systems? Do you like to take your gadgets to your desk? What is the result of our current transportation system on our society?Economic Impact - How do changes in the economy affect society? Are changes in our economy as big of a deal as some of us would like to believe?Opinion, Opinion - What is the truth? What opinion would you hold if you were an outsider looking in? Do you feel that what you are saying is fact or is it just opinion? Have you ever thought about why you hold an opinion at all?Effects of Technology, Solutions to Problems - What problems does this technology bring? What solution do you think will solve these problems? What type of solutions do you think are available to you? How do you think these problems are solved?References - When writing an argumentative essay on effects of technology take some time to research the topic and then use the references that you find to back up your arguments . Use examples that demonstrate the particular point that you are making. Take into consideration that each of the topics above is quite broad and that you could even have an entire thesis on a single topic. Consider using some essay prompts to give you ideas as to how to approach each topic.

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